CBD Drops

CBD drops are an outstanding achievement and have been around for quite some time. Cannabidiol can reduce stress and is also used to sleep better, manage pain, or lose weight.

In addition, CBD drops can increase general well-being. Let the natural power of cannabidiol convince you, and buy CBD drops from enecta.

9 products

10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

10% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

10% Oil - Enecta

10% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

24% CBD oil (2400mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

24% CBD oil

Certified organic hemp extract

24% CBD oil - Enecta

24% CBD oil

Certified organic hemp extract

3% CBD Oil (300mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

3% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

Premium Hemp Oil for Pets

Premium Hemp Oil for Pets

Rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Vitamin E

Premium Hemp Oil for Pets

Premium Hemp Oil for Pets

Rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Vitamin E

C 1000 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 1000 Cbd Oil

Soothing oil with 1000 mg CBD.

C 1000 Cbd Oil - Enecta

C 1000 Cbd Oil

Soothing oil with 1000 mg CBD.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml - Enecta

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml

Full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes.

C 2400 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 2400 Cbd Oil

Soothing CBD oil with 2400 mg CBD.

C 300 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 300 Cbd Oil

Soothing CBD oil with 300 mg of CBD.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml - Enecta

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml

Full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes.


What are CBD drops?

CBD drops are a versatile product derived from cannabis sativa. They are mainly composed of cannabidiol (CBD), - a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant that can positively affect physical and mental well-being.

The CBD is first extracted from the hemp plant and then mixed with a carrier oil. Hemp seed oil is particularly suitable, but coconut and olive oil also leave nothing to be desired.

Regardless of how much CBD the drops contain, they have no intoxicating effect. This means that they are legal and will fit seamlessly into your everyday life. Furthermore, as long as you don’t add synthetic substances to them, CBD drops are a thoroughly organic product.

Effect of CBD drops

How long it takes for the CBD drops to kick in and to what degree they affect your body depends primarily on factors that are different for each person. These include, for
example, height and weight. This means that the more a person weighs, the higher the dose of CBD drops must be and the longer it takes for the desired effect to kick in.

The effect also depends on how you react to the product and on how quickly your metabolism works. Factors such as food intake also play a role. If you take CBD drops after a meal, it takes longer for the body to absorb them. Before eating, i.e., on an empty stomach, the positive effects are felt much faster. On average, the effect of
CBD starts about 2 hours after ingestion and lasts about 4-6 hours.

We recommend a regular intake to get the most out of your drops. Be patient and give
yourself time to warm up to them. We are creatures of habit. If things don't work as desired or if it is difficult to get used to them, we tend to lose control. The risk of forgetting everything due to impatience and quickly throwing our plans overboard exists.

This also applies to the dosage and intake of CBD drops. If the desired effect does not set in immediately, impatience might take the upper hand. The result: Users massively increase the dose and waste valuable CBD oil. The consequences of such an overreaction are: The drops do not work at all, and after a short time, people turn to medications with massive side effects. All these consequences are unnecessary and avoidable.

We recommend:

  1. Give your body time to get used to the CBD drops, and use a low dosage initially. If you do not feel any effect after a short time, you can slowly increase the dose and take more CBD.

  2. Do not despair if this step has no effect, but switch to stronger CBD drops.

  3. If you still don't notice an effect, discuss the dosage with your doctor or contact us. We are always available to advise you.

Do you want to buy CBD drops? At enecta you are always in the right place.

Uses of CBD drops

Generally speaking, CBD drops stand for a relaxing effect on the human body. In addition to this beneficial property, CBD can be used in a variety of ways and finds many successful applications.

CBD plays an important role in the regulation of body processes, positively influencing them. This includes, for example, that CBD drops can reduce fear, stress, and the perception of pain by acting on our neural pathways.

In addition, CBD can have a positive effect on skin inflammation and help the body fight inflammation. Furthermore, CBD drops can strengthen the immune system, helping us to better fend off colds. That said, CBD is not a panacea and merely supports body processes.

Benefits of CBD drops

You can buy cannabidiol in different forms. Capsules, creams, CBD liquids for e-cigarettes, hash, buds, and finally drops. So the question arises: Why CBD drops?

Here are 6 good reasons:

  • They have a very high bioavailability
  • You can dose them individually
  • They are available with different CBD concentrations and can, therefore, be used in many ways
  • You can use them to get creative in the kitchen
  • They can be taken discreetly
  • You can apply them directly to the skin

How to take CBD drops

To achieve the best possible effect, you should take your CBD drops under optimal conditions. To make it easier for you to take CBD drops, we will now explain in 5
steps what you should consider:

  1. The perfect setting: Find a quiet place to take the selected dose and not waste valuable CBD.

  2. Before taking: Before taking CBD, you should choose the right time. This depends on what you want to achieve with your CBD. If you want to use CBD to fight insomnia, we advise you to take the CBD drops half an hour before going to bed. If, on the other hand, you want to relieve stress, taking them in the morning is definitely an option.

  3. How to take CBD drops: Slowly open the bottle by twisting off the cap. Next, take the dropper and drip the CBD drops under your tongue. Allow the CBD to work in your mouth for about a minute before rinsing them down with water.

  4. After ingestion: After ingesting CBD, it is beneficial to take it easy for the next 2
    hours so that the CBD drops can take effect. Be patient after taking the drops and don’t expect the desired effect to kick in immediately. If there is no effect after
    taking the drops frequently, we recommend that you gradually increase the dosage. Nevertheless, handle the valuable natural product with care and respect.

  5. Taking medicines: If you are taking medicines due to health problems, discuss taking CBD with your doctor beforehand. CBD side effects cannot be ruled out with all drug therapies.

CBD drops dosage

If you want to use CBD drops, it is important to adjust the dosage to your own needs. We will discuss this topic in detail in the following sections. The tolerance of CBD drops is different for each person.

The following factors serve as a guideline:

  • Size
  • Weight
  • Severity of the complaints
  • Age
  • Individual body chemistry

If you are a tall person and have severe sleep disorders, you will tend to need a higher dose. In addition, you should carefully consider the severity of your symptoms so that you can make an assessment of which dose is best. For example, choose a low dosage (1-5 mg CBD) for mild sleep problems and a dose of 15-20 mg CBD for severe sleep disorders.

Calculation example for the dosage of CBD drops

You want to buy CBD drops and don't know how to determine the appropriate dosage? We have a perfect dosage example for you in the following section. Let's say you have a 10 ml bottle containing 3% CBD oil (ca. 230-250 drops). Knowing this, you can calculate how much CBD is contained in a drop.

Before that, however, a small intermediate calculation is necessary:

3 % * 10 ml * 1000 = total amount of CBD in the bottle.

In this case, there are 300 mg of CBD.

This leads to the following result:

CBD content (the amount of CBD is usually written on the bottle) / drops in the bottle = CBD per drop.

This means:

300 mg CBD / 250 drops = 1.2 mg CBD per drop.

If you intend to take 20 mg per day, you should calculate the total amount of CBD to be taken / CBD per drop.

This results in:

20 mg / 1.2 mg CBD per drop = 16.6 drops per day.

And you have already calculated the optimal CBD dosage yourself.

The table shows that a 10% CBD oil contains about 4 mg of CBD per drop. A 15% CBD oil has about 6 mg per drop and a 20% CBD oil has about 8 mg CBD per drop.

It is important to note that these are only approximate values. The CBD content can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Side effects of CBD drops

CBD drops are considered a safe remedy that can be taken without worries. CBD hemp oil can be described as having few or no side effects. Despite this, there are situations
in which its use is not recommended.

Enecta recommends pregnant women to avoid taking CBD drops. Last but not least, we would like to point out that patients with low blood pressure should carefully dose their CBD drops because they might lower their blood pressure.

What should I look for when buying CBD drops?

If you want to be on the safe side when buying CBD drops, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are the drops made from high-quality, organically-grown hemp plants?
  • Is their quality guaranteed by third party laboratory analyses?
  • Are the drops composed exclusively of natural ingredients?

With us, you can count on high transparency and maximum quality, values we have stood for for more than ten years now.

What are CBD drops made from?

If you look at the ingredients of different CBD drops, you will notice that they can differ significantly from each other. As far as our products are concerned, we rely solely on the power of nature and accordingly do not use synthetic additives of any kind.

In our CBD drops you will find:

  • CBD
  • Vitamin E
  • Terpenes
  • Hemp seed oil

All the beneficial properties of the hemp plant are concentrated in our drops: see for yourself!

How to determine CBD drops quality

Relaxation, inner peace as well as the time to focus on one's own well-being are in short supply these days. Accordingly, it doesn’t come as a surprise that more and more people are considering CBD to boost their well-being. The choice on the market is correspondingly large and wide-ranging. So some may be wondering how to find
high-quality CBD.

We always reccomend taking the following points into account:

The plants: High-quality hemp is the indispensable basis. It should be organically grown and ideally EU-certified.

Quality controls: Regular, independent laboratory analyses ensure that there is nothing wrong with the quality and purity. They also make sure that the THC content does not exceed the 0.2 percent threshold.

The supply chain: A short supply chain makes it possible to carefully monitor each production step and always meet our own quality standards. This is how we go about the production of all our products.

Quality assurance guidelines: These guidelines have been drawn up by independent organisations and compliance with them ensures the highest quality throughout the
production process.

In the case of CBD drops, these three are particularly important:

  • Good agricultural and collection practice (GACP (GACP)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
  • Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)

How are CBD drops made?

The production of CBD drops takes place over a long manufacturing process. First, we plant our hemp, which does not contain more than 0,2 % THC, under warm climatic conditions.

The next step is a ripening process that takes about 9-10 weeks. During this process, known components of the hemp plant such as THC, CBD and CBN develop.

When the hemp flowers are ripe we harvest them and let them dry for 5-7 days. It is crucial to dry the buds under optimal conditions so as not to lose valuable active ingredients. A cool, dark room in which fresh air can circulate is advantageous.

Following this step, various extraction methods can be used to obtain CBD drops. These include extraction by heating or with the help of solvents.

We at enecta also use special extraction methods to produce premium CBD for you.

CBD drops testimonials

As we have already mentioned, CBD works slightly differently foreach person. Accordingly, the testimonials also differ. However, one thing cannot be denied: The majority of users is extremely satisfied.

As you read, CBD is mainly used to:

  • Relieve acute and chronic pain
  • Brighten the mood
  • Keep panic attacks at bay
  • Sleep better

There also seems to be a consensus that CBD has no significant side effects and doesn't cause dependence.

Even in 2023, there is still uncertainty about the purchase, possession, and cultivation
of commercial hemp. We want to remedy these uncertainties in the following section and clarify which rules apply to producers, sellers and consumers:

1. Rules for manufacturers and sellers:

If you want to sell CBD in your online shop or even want to produce it yourself, you can do it thanks to a special Eu regulation. It is important to note that only commercial hemp with a THC content of less than 0.2% can be cultivated. In addition, CBD products can not be labelled as food or medicine.

2. Rules for consumers:

For consumers, the cultivation of CBD is prohibited in many countries. So avoid growing
CBD, even in the smallest quantities, at home. Also, the possession of CBD flowers tends to be illegal. However, these restrictions do not apply to CBD drops, capsules, tea, and creams.

FAQ: Buy CBD drops: Everything you need to know about CBD drops

When the term CBD comes into play, many people still think of a psychoactive product of the cannabis plant that is illegal and makes you high. Is this prejudice true and is the
scepticism justified? No, we can say that much in advance.

Nevertheless, we will deal with these and other questions in the following FAQ chapter. Here you can find out everything about CBD drops.

It is best to take CBD drops orally. We recommend finding a quiet place where you are undisturbed to take the drops in peace and under maximum concentration. This step is especially important if you are a beginner and do not want to take more CBD than planned.

Moreover, CBD drops are an important asset that should be valued and not wasted. Take then a mirror to help you observe each of your steps.

Next, open the CBD oil bottle and use the dropper to drip the CBD drops under your tongue. Let the CBD work under your tongue for about a minute to make sure that your saliva absorbs it and brings it into your bloodstream.

CBD drops are available in various forms from all online CBD retailers. But also in the analogue world, there are more and more pharmacies that offer CBD as drops, capsules, or creams.

The advantage of buying in a pharmacy is that you get the product right away. In addition, there is the possibility, with a lot of luck, to get a reimbursement from health insurance. These advantages sound tempting at first. However, they are not guaranteed.

In most cases, it remains unclear for a long time whether health insurance will cover the costs of the CBD drops, which are more expensive than in online shops. Weigh carefully whether you prefer fast shipping within 2-3 working days or the immediate, but more expensive alternative in the pharmacy.

Whether CBD drops make you high is a legitimate question, because CBD is a component of every cannabis plant. To get straight to the point: CBD does not get you high.

As the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed in 2017, CBD is neither addictive nor psychoactive. Psychoactive effects are often associated with anxiety, unproductivity, or paranoia. These effects are unique to THC.

So you can rest assured - CBD does not get you high!

CBD drops are legal in the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. However, they must contain less than 0,2%-0,3%. Furthermore, the United Nations have never classified CBD as a narcotic.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to rely on CBD drops from manufacturers with expertise such as enecta, because cultivating as a normal consumer tends to be illegal and can lead to expensive misunderstandings.

Wheter you want to sleep better, fend off anxiety, or support inflamed skin: enecta's CBD drops can enhance your well-being in many ways.

In order to provide you with as good an overview as possible, we present the above-mentioned uses and benefits of CBD.

Area of application: Advantages:
Sleep disorder CBD serves as an excellent substitute for conventional sleeping pills. CBD drops can be used for everything from mild sleep problems to severe sleep disorders. We recommend: Take the dosage you have determined about half an hour before going to bed to achieve the optimal effect.
Eating disorder Are you struggling with appetite problems? Then CBD drops are the perfect appetite stimulant. Take the CBD about half an hour before eating to achieve the desired effect.
Inflamed skin For inflamed skin, we recommend using a CBD cream, which keeps your skin supple and helps the body heal the skin thanks to the ingredients.

Visit our website and buy CBD drops: CBD oil and other CBD products only at enecta.

If the unopened bottle is stored well (cool, dark, and dry), it has a shelf life of over a year. After you open the bottle, you should consume the drops within 6 months.