The therapeutic properties of CBD

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In this article we will examine what the therapeutic properties of CBD are, observing the various scientific studies that have focused on the subject.

The scientific research has focused on the study of the mechanisms of interaction between cannabinoids - the active ingredients of the hemp plant - and our body. Humans are equipped with a "network" composed of millions of receptors capable of interacting with cannabinoids: substances that can be produced inside the body (and that in this case are called endocannabinoids) or that can come from outside (and that in this case are called phytocannabinoids).

This network of receptors is known as the “endocannabinoid system”.

Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid that acts indirectly on receptors of this system. CBD exerts its action through many different mechanisms: it does not act on a particular pathology but intervenes following an imbalance of our endocannabinoid system caused by a stimulus, as in the case of pain.

It is for this reason that cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly used by people because of its therapeutic properties.

Cannabidiol has no specific action against a particular disease or area of the body, but acts as a "modulator" of our endocannabinoid system. CBD, and cannabinoids in general, act indirectly on receptors of this system.

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Consequently, it can be said that CBD modulates already existing mechanisms and restores normality in a situation of imbalance or decompensation in the endocannabinoid system. Due to this, cannabidiol (CBD) can be beneficial, alleviating the symptoms of a disease or inflammation.

 So let's go into more detail:
What are the most common areas of application of cannabidiol?

CBD and chronic pain
Cannabidiol and its pain-relieving properties:
How does it interact with the body and how does it control pain?

have shown that cannabidiol is able to influence the chemical processes characteristic of the endocannabinoid called anandamide, one of the neuro-modulatory molecules associated with pain perception. Other studies report that CBD is able to activate receptors involved with the transmission and chronicisation of pain. Cannabidiol was finally found to be promising for the treatment of two particular types of chronic pain, neuropathic pain and pain due to inflammation.

enecta Premium Hemp Extract, 2400mg CBD, 24% CBD, 10ml against Chronic Pain

CBD and neuropathic pain
The mechanism of action of cannabinoids has been studied in the context of various diseases and conditions leading to a chronic neuropathic pain condition, such as trigeminal neuralgia or chemotherapy cycles. Studies conducted so far have demonstrated the excellent efficacy of cannabidiol in intervening in neuropathic pain. While other active ingredients of cannabis are already used in oncology for their effectiveness in relieving nausea, cannabidiol, specifically, has shown promise in peripheral neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy drugs.

CBD also reduces those complications often associated with chronic pain such as anxiety and depression. According to some studies CBD, through its interaction with the receptors of the serotonergic system, reduces these comorbidities and helps the patient to cope with his condition.

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CBD and inflammatory pain
Cannabidiol is also used for the treatment of pain caused by inflammation. Several scientific studies investigated the effectiveness of cannabidiol on many inflammatory conditions, such as arthrosis. It has been shown that taking CBD protects joints against serious damage and reduces inflammation. CBD could be a valid option for the treatment of several situations characterized by inflammatory pain. A study published in the pages of the European Journal of Pain has shown that CBD applied to the skin can help reduce pain and inflammation due to arthritis.

Scientific research on the relationship between CBD and pain has made great strides in recent years, and the multiple uses that can be made of the cannabis plant in human and animal health are increasingly being studied. There is still a long way to go but, to date, cannabidiol can be considered a valuable ally to alleviate the suffering caused by a chronic pain condition. More and more doctors, in fact, suggest its use in parallel with other therapies to accompany the daily life of all those people who find themselves forced to live with pain.

CBD products against Inflammatory Pain, CBD Oil by enecta


"a single dose of CBD can reduce and improve anxiety arising from SPST (simulation public speaking test - test di simulazione di conversazione pubblica) in patients with social anxiety disorder”

Anxiety and stress are very common and equally general feelings. A state of anxiety can have multiple manifestations and causes, and manifests itself differently in each person. In 2015 the journal Neuroterapeuthics published a review of studies conducted so far to investigate the potential effects of CBD in treating anxiety. The results are very encouraging. The review reviewed 49 preclinical, clinical and epidemiological studies; it also included research using neuro-imaging techniques (the technologies that allow the study of brain metabolism).

From the review, edited by Esther M. Blessing, Maria M. Steenkamp, Jorge Manzanares and Charles R. Marmar of the New York School of Medicine, found that preclinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBD in reducing anxiety caused by many disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and many others

 enecta Premium Hemp Extract, 2400mg CBD, 24% CBD, 10ml, CBD Oil against Anxiety

In 2018, a study by scientists at the University of Washington, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, took a very large sample of people - more than 1,400 volunteers and volunteers - to investigate the effectiveness of cannabis products against anxiety and stress.

The researchers used an application (Strainprint), in which participants indicated their data (collected anonymously), the amount and type of cannabis used and, finally, the effects found.

From the 12,000 responses received by the study authors, it was found that more than half (58 per cent) perceived a marked reduction in anxiety. In particular, cannabis with high CBD and low THC content was indicated as the most effective to treat anxiety and depression.

Sleep disorders

CBD contained in hemp plants has the proven ability to reduce anxiety. The scientific evidence in this field has also led research to interest in the possibilities of using cannabidiol to improve sleep quality and combat insomnia. In recent years it has emerged, among many other things, that CBD is helpful in reducing REM sleep disorders in people with Parkinson's disease, which often manifest themselves in physical actions during sleep, putting the individual at numerous risks for their safety. Results like this have prompted the world of researchers to further investigate the role cannabis can play while we sleep.

Sleeping Disorders, enecta Premium Hemp Extract, 2400mg CBD, 24% CBD, 10ml

CBD and sleep. Research so far
The review of all preliminary research on cannabis and insomnia suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) may have a therapeutic potential for the treatment of insomnia. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), on the other hand, may reduce sleep latency, but may compromise long-term sleep quality.

CBD has been shown to be more than promising in treating sleep disorders and, if taken at low doses, excessive daytime sleepiness. Research on cannabis and sleep, although still in its early stages, has yielded positive results. Further controlled and longitudinal research is essential to improve our understanding of research and clinical implications.

Research, enecta Premium Hemp Extract and its therapeutic properties
CBD against Anxiety for betterSleep, enecta Premium Hemp Extract for Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

CBD, anxiety and sleep
Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often complain of sleep disorders, such as insomnia or various abnormalities during REM sleep. Cannabidiol (CBD), a component of cannabis, reduces physiological non-REM sleep (NREM) and REM sleep.

Considering that anxiety progression is generally caused by persistent stress over a period of time, researchers at the Taiwan National University wanted to investigate whether cannabidiol would prove effective in mitigating sleep disorders caused by anxiety.

The research team subjected some mice to various standard procedures and then administered CBD to them. The researchers immediately noticed that anxiety in general had decreased (confirming the already numerous results in this direction). Moreover, as had been guessed, CBD effectively blocked the state of anxiety that intervened during the REM phase of sleep, allowing the mice long restful rest.

Cannabis is proving to be more and more a useful ally every day to improve the quality of our rest. The important thing, as always, is to consume quality products, certified and produced in a natural way.


“Cannabidiol is proving effective in drug-resistant patients for some more severe forms of epilepsy, with a reduction in seizure frequency of almost half.”

In the future in Italy it could become a treatment alternative for tens of thousands of people", says Marilena Vecchi, neuro-epileptologist at the Department of Women's and Children's Health of the Padua hospital, head of the Lice National Reference Centre for the diagnosis and treatment of childhood epilepsy.

The therapeutic properties of CBD Oil for patients with epilepsy

CBD presents itself as a potential drug in the category of antiepileptics, already in February 2016 a study conducted by a team of Israeli scientists showed the potential of cannabidiol. The research was conducted on 74 adolescents suffering from a severe form of epilepsy for about three months.

The iconic case that placed the epilepsy - CBD topic at the centre of attention was that of Charlotte, a 3-year-old girl suffering from 600 seizures per day.

studies show the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol, CBD Oil, enecta Premium Hemp Extract
therapeutic effects of CBD on children with Epilepsy, enecta Premium Hemp Extract

The effects of CBD on Charlotte were so immediate that epileptic seizures were drastically reduced. This obviously led to an extraordinary increase in the quality of life of Charlotte and her family.

It is hoped that the Research and Study on the efficacy of CBD in this type of disease will continue consistently to help children with Dravet's Syndrome.

Other effects of CBD at the therapeutic level

  • Improves symptoms of schizophrenia
    Scientific research has shown that CBD produces antipsychotic effects and may have a similar action profile to other antipsychotic drugs. However, the mechanism by which CBD performs this action is not yet fully understood.


  • It protects against neurodegenerative diseases
    Several studies have shown that CBD is able to inhibit the formation of the classic "plaques" typical of Alzheimer's disease and reduces the death of brain cells.


  • Relieves nausea
    Cannabis has been used for centuries as an antinausea and antiemetic. A 2012 rat study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that the benefits of CBD include antinausea and antiemetic effects.


  • Reduces the incidence of diabetes
    Research in 2006 found that CBD treatment significantly reduced the incidence of diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice from an incidence of 86% in untreated mice to an incidence of 30% in CBD-treated mice. Here too, however, further confirmation is being sought.


  • Promotes cardiovascular health
    A Study dated 2013 and published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology reports that CBD protects against vascular damage caused by high glucose levels, inflammation or type 2 diabetes.


  • Treatment of multiple sclerosis
    Several studies have shown that the CBD - THC combination is effective and well tolerated in the treatment of muscle contraction, pain, sleep disorders and urinary incontinence in people with multiple sclerosis.


  • Rheumatoid arthritis
    Because of its anti-inflammatory effect cannabinoids can provide relief from joint pain and swelling and decrease joint destruction and disease progression. It has been shown that taking CBD protects joints against serious damage, decreases progression, improves movement, quality of sleep and reduces inflammation in only 5 weeks.



  • Reduces depression
    According to the researchers, CBD has a similar efficacy as antidepressants. A study found that the antidepressant effects of cannabidiol are fast, continuous over time and comparable to a common antidepressant drug.

Do you want to know more about our products and their properties?
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Enecta, synonymous with quality and safety made in Italy

Enecta, a company with a long experience in cannabis extracts for the medical market, has always chosen to include only high quality products made in Italy within its product range.

Cannabis Extracts for medical market: Quality and Safety guaranteed for CBD Oil and CBD Products made by enecta

In this article we will examine what the therapeutic properties of CBD are, observing the various scientific studies that have focused on the subject.

The scientific research has focused on the study of the mechanisms of interaction between cannabinoids - the active ingredients of the hemp plant - and our body. Humans are equipped with a "network" composed of millions of receptors capable of interacting with cannabinoids: substances that can be produced inside the body (and that in this case are called endocannabinoids) or that can come from outside (and that in this case are called phytocannabinoids).

This network of receptors is known as the “endocannabinoid system”.

Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid that acts indirectly on receptors of this system. CBD exerts its action through many different mechanisms: it does not act on a particular pathology but intervenes following an imbalance of our endocannabinoid system caused by a stimulus, as in the case of pain.

It is for this reason that cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly used by people because of its therapeutic properties.

Cannabidiol has no specific action against a particular disease or area of the body, but acts as a "modulator" of our endocannabinoid system. CBD, and cannabinoids in general, act indirectly on receptors of this system.

Consequently, it can be said that CBD modulates already existing mechanisms and restores normality in a situation of imbalance or decompensation in the endocannabinoid system. Due to this, cannabidiol (CBD) can be beneficial, alleviating the symptoms of a disease or inflammation.

 So let's go into more detail:
What are the most common areas of application of cannabidiol?

CBD and chronic pain
Cannabidiol and its pain-relieving properties:
How does it interact with the body and how does it control pain?

have shown that cannabidiol is able to influence the chemical processes characteristic of the endocannabinoid called anandamide, one of the neuro-modulatory molecules associated with pain perception. Other studies report that CBD is able to activate receptors involved with the transmission and chronicisation of pain. Cannabidiol was finally found to be promising for the treatment of two particular types of chronic pain, neuropathic pain and pain due to inflammation.

CBD and neuropathic pain
The mechanism of action of cannabinoids has been studied in the context of various diseases and conditions leading to a chronic neuropathic pain condition, such as trigeminal neuralgia or chemotherapy cycles. Studies conducted so far have demonstrated the excellent efficacy of cannabidiol in intervening in neuropathic pain. While other active ingredients of cannabis are already used in oncology for their effectiveness in relieving nausea, cannabidiol, specifically, has shown promise in peripheral neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy drugs.

CBD also reduces those complications often associated with chronic pain such as anxiety and depression. According to some studies CBD, through its interaction with the receptors of the serotonergic system, reduces these comorbidities and helps the patient to cope with his condition.

CBD and inflammatory pain
Cannabidiol is also used for the treatment of pain caused by inflammation. Several scientific studies investigated the effectiveness of cannabidiol on many inflammatory conditions, such as arthrosis. It has been shown that taking CBD protects joints against serious damage and reduces inflammation. CBD could be a valid option for the treatment of several situations characterized by inflammatory pain. A study published in the pages of the European Journal of Pain has shown that CBD applied to the skin can help reduce pain and inflammation due to arthritis.

Scientific research on the relationship between CBD and pain has made great strides in recent years, and the multiple uses that can be made of the cannabis plant in human and animal health are increasingly being studied. There is still a long way to go but, to date, cannabidiol can be considered a valuable ally to alleviate the suffering caused by a chronic pain condition. More and more doctors, in fact, suggest its use in parallel with other therapies to accompany the daily life of all those people who find themselves forced to live with pain.


"a single dose of CBD can reduce and improve anxiety arising from SPST (simulation public speaking test - test di simulazione di conversazione pubblica) in patients with social anxiety disorder”

Anxiety and stress are very common and equally general feelings. A state of anxiety can have multiple manifestations and causes, and manifests itself differently in each person. In 2015 the journal Neuroterapeuthics published a review of studies conducted so far to investigate the potential effects of CBD in treating anxiety. The results are very encouraging. The review reviewed 49 preclinical, clinical and epidemiological studies; it also included research using neuro-imaging techniques (the technologies that allow the study of brain metabolism).

From the review, edited by Esther M. Blessing, Maria M. Steenkamp, Jorge Manzanares and Charles R. Marmar of the New York School of Medicine, found that preclinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBD in reducing anxiety caused by many disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and many others.

In 2018, a study by scientists at the University of Washington, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, took a very large sample of people - more than 1,400 volunteers and volunteers - to investigate the effectiveness of cannabis products against anxiety and stress.

The researchers used an application (Strainprint), in which participants indicated their data (collected anonymously), the amount and type of cannabis used and, finally, the effects found.

From the 12,000 responses received by the study authors, it was found that more than half (58 per cent) perceived a marked reduction in anxiety. In particular, cannabis with high CBD and low THC content was indicated as the most effective to treat anxiety and depression.

Sleep disorders

CBD contained in hemp plants has the proven ability to reduce anxiety. The scientific evidence in this field has also led research to interest in the possibilities of using cannabidiol to improve sleep quality and combat insomnia. In recent years it has emerged, among many other things, that CBD is helpful in reducing REM sleep disorders in people with Parkinson's disease, which often manifest themselves in physical actions during sleep, putting the individual at numerous risks for their safety. Results like this have prompted the world of researchers to further investigate the role cannabis can play while we sleep.

CBD and sleep. Research so far
The review of all preliminary research on cannabis and insomnia suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) may have a therapeutic potential for the treatment of insomnia. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), on the other hand, may reduce sleep latency, but may compromise long-term sleep quality.

CBD has been shown to be more than promising in treating sleep disorders and, if taken at low doses, excessive daytime sleepiness. Research on cannabis and sleep, although still in its early stages, has yielded positive results. Further controlled and longitudinal research is essential to improve our understanding of research and clinical implications.

CBD, anxiety and sleep
Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often complain of sleep disorders, such as insomnia or various abnormalities during REM sleep. Cannabidiol (CBD), a component of cannabis, reduces physiological non-REM sleep (NREM) and REM sleep.

Considering that anxiety progression is generally caused by persistent stress over a period of time, researchers at the Taiwan National University wanted to investigate whether cannabidiol would prove effective in mitigating sleep disorders caused by anxiety.

The research team subjected some mice to various standard procedures and then administered CBD to them. The researchers immediately noticed that anxiety in general had decreased (confirming the already numerous results in this direction). Moreover, as had been guessed, CBD effectively blocked the state of anxiety that intervened during the REM phase of sleep, allowing the mice long restful rest.

Cannabis is proving to be more and more a useful ally every day to improve the quality of our rest. The important thing, as always, is to consume quality products, certified and produced in a natural way.


“Cannabidiol is proving effective in drug-resistant patients for some more severe forms of epilepsy, with a reduction in seizure frequency of almost half.”

In the future in Italy it could become a treatment alternative for tens of thousands of people", says Marilena Vecchi, neuro-epileptologist at the Department of Women's and Children's Health of the Padua hospital, head of the Lice National Reference Centre for the diagnosis and treatment of childhood epilepsy.

CBD presents itself as a potential drug in the category of antiepileptics, already in February 2016 a study conducted by a team of Israeli scientists showed the potential of cannabidiol. The research was conducted on 74 adolescents suffering from a severe form of epilepsy for about three months.

The iconic case that placed the epilepsy - CBD topic at the centre of attention was that of Charlotte, a 3-year-old girl suffering from 600 seizures per day.

The effects of CBD on Charlotte were so immediate that epileptic seizures were drastically reduced. This obviously led to an extraordinary increase in the quality of life of Charlotte and her family.

It is hoped that the Research and Study on the efficacy of CBD in this type of disease will continue consistently to help children with Dravet's Syndrome.

Other effects of CBD at the therapeutic level

  • Improves symptoms of schizophrenia
    Scientific research has shown that CBD produces antipsychotic effects and may have a similar action profile to other antipsychotic drugs. However, the mechanism by which CBD performs this action is not yet fully understood.


  • It protects against neurodegenerative diseases
    Several studies have shown that CBD is able to inhibit the formation of the classic "plaques" typical of Alzheimer's disease and reduces the death of brain cells.


  • Relieves nausea
    Cannabis has been used for centuries as an antinausea and antiemetic. A 2012 rat study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that the benefits of CBD include antinausea and antiemetic effects.


  • Reduces the incidence of diabetes
    Research in 2006 found that CBD treatment significantly reduced the incidence of diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice from an incidence of 86% in untreated mice to an incidence of 30% in CBD-treated mice. Here too, however, further confirmation is being sought.


  • Promotes cardiovascular health
    A Study dated 2013 and published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology reports that CBD protects against vascular damage caused by high glucose levels, inflammation or type 2 diabetes.


  • Treatment of multiple sclerosis
    Several studies have shown that the CBD - THC combination is effective and well tolerated in the treatment of muscle contraction, pain, sleep disorders and urinary incontinence in people with multiple sclerosis.


  • Rheumatoid arthritis
    Because of its anti-inflammatory effect cannabinoids can provide relief from joint pain and swelling and decrease joint destruction and disease progression. It has been shown that taking CBD protects joints against serious damage, decreases progression, improves movement, quality of sleep and reduces inflammation in only 5 weeks.



  • Reduces depression
    According to the researchers, CBD has a similar efficacy as antidepressants. A study found that the antidepressant effects of cannabidiol are fast, continuous over time and comparable to a common antidepressant drug.

Do you want to know more about our products and their properties?
Download our complete CBD guide

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Enecta, synonymous with quality and safety made in Italy

Enecta, a company with a long experience in cannabis extracts for the medical market, has always chosen to include only high quality products made in Italy within its product range.